Watercolor Painting with Joey Mánlapaz, MFA
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
4901 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington DC 20008
Who can attend
Limited capacity: Registration Closed
Watercolor Painting with Joey Mánlapaz, MFA
Thursdays: June 2 – 30, 2022 ♦♦ 1-3 pm
This 5-week watercolor painting class, taught by DC Artist and Corcoran Professor Joey Mánlapaz,
is held in the Assembly Hall at Forest Hills of DC. Weather permitting, Joey takes the class outdoors
to paint en plein air.
Students learn painting techniques while working on personal projects.
Class highlights individualized critiques of works.
Request sign-up &/or materials list at [email protected].
Fee is $135.00 payable on the first class by personal check or Zelle/Venmo at [email protected].
Drop-ins are welcome at $35.00/class.
Forest Hills of DC
4901 Connecticut Ave., NW Washington, D.C. 20008 ♦♦ (202) 935-6060
Watch this lovely interview with Joey on Youtube: