Four Seasons of Creativity: Summer - Winnowing: Capturing the Essential Stories of a Life Fully Lived
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
5625 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington DC 20015
Who can attend
Limited capacity: Registration Closed
The next program in the Four Seasons of Creativity for Elders series is
Winnowing: Sharing Your Life Story in Four Chapters.
Psychologists tell us how important it is at this stage of life to share our life stories. We’re encouraged to remember how we have come to be the people we are, and pass along the wisdom we’ve gleaned from the ups and downs, the joys and pains, the successes and failures that come from living long, full lives. What psychologists failed to tell us is how fun and rewarding the process might be!
David Oldfield, author of the book Winnowing, invites you to join him for a four-week journaling experience in which you will “winnow” the essential story of your life as a gift to pass along to future generations. Class size is limited to 10. Copies of your own Winnowing journal are provided as a gift from Northwest Neighbors Village and the author.
Dates: Fridays, June 14, 21, 28, and July 12 (No class the week of July 4th)
Time: 11 am – 12:30 pm
Place: Meeting Room in the Chevy Chase Library
RSVP: by clicking the button above, emailing Leslie, or calling the office.
Public Transportation: There are several bus stops within one block of the library. It is served by bus routes L2 and E4.
Parking: There is a free parking lot behind the library.
Attendance: Please be aware that this is a four week commitment. If you have signed up to attend and find you are no longer available, please email or call the office (202-935-6060) as soon as possible, so we can offer your space to another person.
NNV Full Members: If you would like to request rides, please mention that you need a ride when you register or call the office at (202) 935-6060 to request a ride at least three days in advance.
Accessibility: The library is wheelchair accessible. There is an elevator to the 2nd floor meeting room.
In elderhood we need occasions to reawaken our creative imaginations. We need them to help us reflect on the whole of our lives and find the story-thread that runs through all our days. We need others going through similar life changes to with whom we can share. And we need creative tools to help us give expression to the private paths that make each of us unique, and the common ground we all share.
NNV hopes to help you meet these needs through an ongoing new series called Four Seasons of Creativity for Elders. Each season you’ll be invited to engage in a creative experience designed specifically for elders and our shared need to tell our stories in new and imaginative ways. These workshops will run for 4-6 weeks (depending on the activity), and will be guided by David Oldfield, Director of The Midway Center for Creative Imagination, who has led several such groups for us in the past.
Each season we will engage our creative imaginations using a different form of creative expression.
- In winter, we created legacy boxes to hold our most precious memories and keepsakes;
- In spring, we drew maps of our lives;
- In summer, we will winnow our memories to find the precious few that define us through writing and storytelling; and
- In the fall, we will make and paint life masks.
The workshops are free; all materials will be provided. And no talent is required! All we need from you is a willingness to say “YES!” to a new experience, and a desire to explore your life in creative ways.